maandag 20 augustus 2007


Since the cube set did not include a heater I had to buy one seperatly. For a tank this size they aren’t too expensive.

I opted for this standard version by Aqua El, wich is suitable for up to 50L.

It didn’t take him too long to get the cold water I filled in to the tank up to the right temperature.

I have switched to 26 degrees Celsius.
It is said to keep the temperature constant with an accuracy of 1 degree. And that is exactly what it does. It stops heating when my thermomether points exactly 26 degrees, and heats up to exactly 27 degrees.

What more can I ask for?

Pros: Small, therefore easy to hide. Fully submersible. Fair price.
Cons: Haven’t found any yet.

Bought at: Het Natuurhuis
Brand: Aqua El, Comfort zone
Price €: 15,95

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