zaterdag 11 augustus 2007

Mopani wood

Found this piece of mopani wood at the garden centre, and decided to take it home.

Here I washed it and treated it with boiling water until I thought It didn’t give of any colour anymore.

It was a bit larger than I thought but I like the way it sits in the tank.

When I cam home later that day, I found the cube like this:
Not sure how to solve this problem, I’m just gonna do a lot of water changes, and hope it is done giving of colour soon.

Pros: Looks good. Doesn’t float
Cons: Gives of alot of colour to your water. Need extensive treatment.
Started to form some sort of fungi after two days in the tank. Supposedly harmless, but it doesn't look too healthy

Bought at: Intratuin.
Brand: No brand
Price €: 5,49

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