maandag 13 augustus 2007

Nutrient soil

No tank is complete without some nice plants. Naturally, most of these plants need nutrient rich soil to root in.

I have great experiences with Dupla Root. But since I’m doing this project on a low budget I opted for this 3,5 litre bag of regular soil, of wich I only needed half, but it was the smallest bag they had.

Manufactures description
Nutrient soil is the trusted compost soil base for aquarium. It’s a composition of humus-rich elements for the optimal growth of aquatic plants. The growth of aquatic plants is essential for the clearness and production of oxygen in the aquarium. The light structure of nutrient soil guarantees the right circulation of water and oxygen, wich is a benefit to all living creatures in the aquarium.

Instructions for use
Spread a 3 to 5 cm layer of nutrient soil on the bottom of the aquarium. Cover well with a layer of decorative gravel. Position the aquatic plants and slowly fill with water.

Pros: Cheap and effective
Cons: Is said to last only about a year, where as products as Dupla Root are said to work at least 3 years.
Some suggest that this type of soil has to be removed after a year, because it will cause the ph to rise to an unacceptable level. Where as others suggest that you can leave it in, and ad tablet, or liquid fertilizers. I hope the latter is true, but only time can tell.
I don’t like the way it looks against the glass with the gravel topping. Therefore I just used a 3-ish cm layer.

Bought at: Intratuin.
Brand: Aqua Decor
Price €: 2,79

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