maandag 13 augustus 2007


This time I wanted real dark gravel, as close to black as possible.

I know it exsists, but I can’t find it. The only black gravel I could find was mixed with bright orange bits in them, so I went to the regular dark gravel. 1-2mm thick. In the tank it always looks brighter then in the bag.

They didn’t have it in large bags, so I bought two small ones, fearing that it still might not be enough. It was enough, I poored both bags in, and it provided me with a good +/- 3cm layer or gravel.

According to the bag it’s ready for use, but I rinsed it off anyway.

The bag also says:
Deceases and algae won’t get a chance due to proper cleaning, which is beneficial for the cleanness and biological balance of the water.
It doesn’t say if they mean that I should clean it, or that they did it in a way that is benifitial for me.

Then they continue by recommending to put a layer of nutrient soil underneath the gravel to give plants a good start, and that I should rinse it of before using it.
(So it wasn’t ready for use after all!)

PS: Everything you ad to the aquarium can be of influence to the quality of the water. ( So says the bag)

Pros: Nice small gravel without any sharp edges.
Cons: Might get sucked up if the vacuum is too powerfull.
It has small pieces of shell in it.
Should’ve made a larger economical bag.
I don’t think it’s really dark

Bought at: Intratuin
Brand: No brand
Price €: 3,58 (1,79 per bag of 3,5 Kg.)

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